Local Ham Awards


Worked All Winnipeg

Worked all Winnipeg

The “Worked All Winnipeg Award” is sponsored by the Radio Amateurs of Manitoba. It is awarded to an Amateur Radio Operator to recognize his/her outstanding achievement in having accomplished two way communications with the required number of VE4/VA4 radio stations located within the City of Winnipeg.

The award is a truly beautiful certificate, on parchment paper stock. It features drawings along the borders, which shows many of the attractions of the City of Winnipeg, along with our provincial emblem.

The Rules:

  1. Stations within Manitoba, including the City of Winnipeg, must work at least 25 different Winnipeg stations to qualify.
  2. Stations outside Manitoba, but within North America, must work at least 15 different Winnipeg stations to qualify.
  3. Stations outside North America must work a minimum of 10 different Winnipeg stations to qualify.
  4. Any band and any mode may be used, but all contacts between two individual stations must be direct contacts. (repeater contacts are not allowed)
  5. All contacts from January 1, 1956 are acceptable.
  6. QSL cards are not required. A certified COPY of your log book, with the signatures of two other Hams who have checked your log, is all that is necessary.

This logbook copy should be mailed, along with $2.00 to cover the cost of the certificate and postage to:

Custodian, Dick Maguire VE4HK
c/o Winnipeg Senior Citizens Radio Club Inc.
598 St. Marys Road
Winnipeg, MB
R2M 3L5

I am looking for former winners of the Worked all Winnipeg Award, to complete our records. If you have won the award, please email me, with your name, your certificate number, and the date on the certificate.

Send your comments or questions regarding the WAWA to Dick Maguire, VE4HK, at VE4HK@myrac.ca

Thank you


Previous Winners


The OSCAR award is presented to a deserving member of the Radio Amateurs of Manitoba. It is typically awarded for long term outstanding performances. It has been awarded since 1977.

In 1977, the club wished to honour Alex Henderson VE4GH, who had made coffee for the WARC (predecesor club) meetings, seemingly forever, with no fanfare. The executive of the day first thought of a certificate of thanks. After some debate, we decided to go all out, and have a plaque made up for Alex. After more debate, the executive decided to award a plaque to a deserving ham, annually. The next problem was deciding the best title for the plaque

In 1977, OSCAR satellites were just coming into their own. Also, the night of the executive meeting was the same night as those other OSCARS in Hollywood were handed out. All that was left was to decide what the acronym OSCAR would stand for. We finally decided Outstanding Service Concerning Amateur Radio.

Back then, the WARC executive met monthly at member’s homes. It was a tradition to bring a bottle of wine, the first time visiting a home. That bottle of wine may have influenced our decision.

2021 OSCAR Award Recipient Ruth Mills VE4XYL (centre). Presented by Drew VE4DRW (Left) and John VE4VJR (Right).

Previous Winners