Presented to Amateurs with Outstanding Contributions

Oscar Award

Year Recipient Reason
1977-78 Alex Henderson VE4GH Making coffee for WARC meetings
1978-79 Terry Watling VE4ADA Teaching WARC amateur classes
1979-80 Ron Place VE4PL Convincing CBC to allow VE4MAN repeater onto CBC Starbuck tower
1980-81 Tom Blair VE4MJ Maintaining local amateur repeaters
1981-82 Gil Frederick VE4AG QUA (newsletter) editor
1982-83 Bill Bowman VE4AFO Work on Blue Book (comprehensive listing of all amateurs in Manitoba)
1983-84 Terry Green VE4AJA QUA newsletter editor
1984-85 Jack Gannon VE4AJG Creating spreadsheet for WARC finances
1985-86 John Gowron VE4ADS Long term service on WARC executive
1986-87 Dick Maguire VE4HK Long term service organizing Special Events
1987-88 Ed Henderson VE4YU Long term service organizing public displays
1988-89 Bill Bowman VE4UB Continued work on Blue Book
1989-90 Yori Tsuji VE4ACX Long term work on repeaters in Manitoba
1990-91 Tom Hardy VE4AKI
Bob Byrne VE4ADE
Long term WARC amateur class instructors
1991-92 Jim Townsend VE4CY Long term WARC Newscaster editor
1992-93 Witold Kinsner VE4WK Re-organizing University of Manitoba Club
1993-94 Not awarded  
1994-95 Not awarded  
1995-96 Jim Ross VE4AJR Long term service to Amateur Radio
1996-97 Rick Lord VE4OV Long term WARC amateur class instructor
1997-98 Derek Hay VE4HAY Long term Newscaster editor
1998-99 Jeff Dovyak VE4MBQ Long term service to Amateur Radio
1999-00 Ruth Mills VE4XYL
Tom Mills VE4SE
Long term service to Amateur Radio
2000-01 Not awarded  
2001-02 Adam Romanchuk VE4SN Long term Manitoba Incoming QSL Bureau Manager
2002-03 Glen Napady VE4GWN Long term service to Amateur Radio
2003-04 Bert Andrews VE4AND Long term service to Amateur Radio
2004-05 Not awarded  
2005-06 David Rosner VE4DAR Long term service teaching and organizing WARC Amateur Radio classes
2006-07 John Foster VE4JNF Long term service to Amateur Radio
2007-08 Derek Hay VE4HAY Chairman of 2008 WARC Hamfest
2008-09 Not awarded  
2009-10 Not awarded  
2010-11 Murray Ronald VE4RE Long term service to Amateur Radio
2011-12 Not awarded  
2012-13 Ellis Seddon VE4AJO Long term service maintaining local repeaters
2013-14 Rob Striemer VE4SHS Developing a Telebridge station at Shaftesbury High School,
so students around the world can communicate with the
International Space Station via Amateur Radio
2014-15 Adam Romanchuk VE4SN Long term service to Amateur Radio
2016 Not awarded  
2017 Derek Hay VE4HAY Long term service to Amateur Radio
2018 Mark Blumm VE4MAB WARC long term newsletter editor
2020 Walter Bezpalko VE4VB Long term service maintaining local repeaters and other amateur radios
2021 Ruth Mills VE4XYL Long term service to Amateur Radio