RAM Field Day Events
Field Day
2024 Field Day

- Who: WSC/RAM Joint Event
- What:
- Learn to operate HF
- Learn to operate in a contest
- Learn Morse Code
- Learn Remote Operations
- Social eyeball meeting with your fellow hams.
- Food and drink will be available.
- When: 22 June 2024 1:00pm CDT to 23 Jun 2024 1:00pm CDT
- Where: WSC Club House, 598 St Mary’s Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Why: The object of Field Day is to work as many stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and in doing so to learn to operate in emergency situations in any conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.
What is Field Day
ARRL Field Day is an annual amateur radio event widely regarded as the most popular on-air event in North America. Organized by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the event takes place over the fourth full weekend in June and encourages ham radio operators to set up temporary radio stations in various locations—such as parks, schools, or emergency centers—to demonstrate their skill and service. This exercise not only tests operators’ abilities to establish effective communication under simulated emergency conditions but also serves as an educational showcase to the public about the capabilities of amateur radio. Participants compete to make the most contacts, aiming to reach as many other stations as possible, thus promoting readiness and the invaluable use of amateur radio in providing emergency communications.